You’ll See it When You Believe It!

22 Jun You’ll See it When You Believe It!

Faith is a force coming out of the spirit man. It is being convinced of a truth spoken by God even though you don’t see it yet. 

I remember an incident years ago when I was still learning how to walk by faith. I was facing a tuition payment at Bible school, and my boss had just told me she was closing the shop where I worked and there would be no paycheck! My roommate was pretty nervous about it because he had seen several students dismissed because of no payment.

It was serious yet I had the greatest peace, and when I arrived at school on the last double-due payment date I had joy in my heart.  By now my roommate thought I was going crazy, but  confidence remained fixed in my heart as I went up to the Dean of Students to explain my problem. He looked at my records and said there was no problem…that morning someone had paid in full for the semester!

It requires the utmost discipline to hold to that truth when all evidence says otherwise—in fact it’s real work! If your mind cannot stay focused, then you don’t stand much chance of seeing your faith miracle, because you will flood your thought life with doubts and fears, which will put out the light of faith.  Our work is to believe!

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