Who is Jesus?

14 Apr Who is Jesus?

Yesterday the world recognized the Christian holiday of the Lord’s passion and death on the cross. At the time of his death there was no recognition. There was resignation from His followers. There was revenge from the religious leaders. There was retribution by the Roman government for crimes against the state.

Then they saw Him as a criminal hanging among criminals. Now we see Him as a substitute slain from the foundations of time for the sins of mankind!

Then they cried out of loss of a leader, friend, and source of blessing. Now we rejoice in His eternal friendship, blessings, and guidance!

Then they felt the earth shake and the sky turn black. Now we feel our lives shake and our sky turn bright with expectation of a better day!

Then He was recognized as a prophet. Now He is recognized as God and the Savior of the world!

Then He laid down His life for the world. Now He lifts up the world with His resurrection life!

This is Good Friday, and there is a good God to celebrate as we recognize the price that was paid so we could be free!

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