“I Will Never be Alone Again!”

13 Mar “I Will Never be Alone Again!”

There was a woman who was well known in a particular African city because she lived in a cardboard house underneath a bridge. Everybody knew she was there. She had tuberculosis; she was dirty. Nobody cared about her. She had no family, no one to love her, no one to trust her, no one to believe in her. So she went about her life living under that bridge. But then a big meeting came to town where they were sharing principles similar to what I’m sharing with you here.

A group of ladies from the church decided to be bold and go under the bridge to the woman in the cardboard house. When they came to her house and invited her to the meeting, she said, “Why do you want me? You don’t care about me. Nobody wants me.” They replied, “You’ve got to come with us. There is a man who is talking about Jesus and God, and lots of people are being healed. You are ill and he can help you!”

She finally consented and went to the meeting, and as she was standing there on the outside of the crowd listening, she heard words of love and life. Suddenly she understood that God loved her, and that Jesus had died for her so that she would never be alone.

She opened her mouth and prayed to this living God, and as she did, Jesus visited her. She felt an energy come into her body, and she could breathe deeply once again! The ladies from church saw that she was smiling and breathing normally, so they rushed her up to the platform to share a testimony of what had happened in her life. The women were so excited! Right there in their midst they were seeing a miracle!

They brought the woman up onto the platform and asked the preacher to have her testify. When they handed her the microphone, she walked out in front of the people and said, “You know me. I’m the lady that lives under the bridge in the cardboard house. You know who I am. You know that I’m all alone under that bridge, but something happened to me. As I was standing on that field praying and listening, all of a sudden Jesus came to me, and for the first time in my life I know that I will never be alone again, because Jesus has come to live in me.”

The women pressed her to testify about her healing from tuberculosis, but the greatest miracle to the lady from the cardboard house was the reality that she would never be alone again! The God of the universe had taken up residence within her heart!

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