Work With Enthusiasm!

23 Jan Work With Enthusiasm!

It’s another Monday morning, and you’re back at your job after a wonderful weekend. Physically you’re behind your desk, but your mind is still clinging to the freedom and pleasures of the past two days. You like your job, or maybe you don’t like it, but most miss the days off. So you hang in there because by the time you go home Monday night, Saturday and Sunday will be just a memory!

Now, work and labor are a good thing. It’s how we survive and prosper. But how we carry out that work is equally important. What do our co-workers see when they observe us at work? Are we enthusiastic? Impassioned? Committed? Or do we simply go through the motions, doing what we have to do to collect a paycheck?

“Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than people.”  Ephesians 6:7 NLT

As Christians, we are to work in such a way that separates us from the rest of the world. Our attitude must be entirely different by being positive and infectious. They must see a difference in us because we work from a supernatural perspective knowing that the natural will be taken care of. Remember, our focus is set on things above!

As your work week begins today, don’t forget that the eyes of your co-workers are on you. Do you show them Jesus on the job or someone else? Will they want what you have, or will they just see more of what they see in the world? Let’s show them the best way!

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