A Transformed Life

15 Dec A Transformed Life

One of my mission trips took me to the deepest part of Siberia, Russia. While the ice still held its bitter grip on the streets, we conducted a conference to which everyone was welcome.

In the middle of my message, I noticed a small, timid man quietly sit down in the back row. (I later learned his name was Boris, from the city of Neryungry.) I felt impressed to say, “If you are a street cleaner, be a great street cleaner for God!”

Tears welled up in his eyes. When I spoke to him after the meeting, he told me he was a street cleaner. He also confessed that he had been on his way that morning to kill himself with the gun he still had in his possession. But as he walked by the building where I was preaching, he overheard the strange sound of a foreigner. Filled with curiosity, he entered. I spoke directly to his heart. Then Jesus spoke to him and said, “Boris, I love you. Go into the ministry and write a book.”

Boris began to weep. He said, “Kevin, will you help me write a book?” I told him I must go on to the next city, but that I would pray for his new life and success.

Seven years later, as I held on to a railing on a train in Moscow’s underground transit system on which nine million people travel each day, I turned and looked into the eyes of a man whose gaze was riveted on me.

“Boris, is that you?” I asked.

He leapt to his feet, hugged me, and cried, “It is! It is!”

“What are you doing here so far away from your hometown?” I asked. He said he was finishing up his Bible school education and was on his way to pastor a church! Then he reminded me, “I am going to write that book!” Recently I met him, and he now heads up a significant ministry to the Jews.

There is nothing like the power of a transformed life! It is a life that has found value, purpose, and a friend in Jesus. God offers a new image to all humanity, while breathing His life into all who will call upon the name of the Savior, Jesus!

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