You are Valuable!

14 Dec You are Valuable!

The redeemed are proud of God’s finished work in them, but arrogance has no place in the believer. That is the fruit of low self-esteem crying out for recognition.

All humans need to feel significant and that they really are special. Do not mistake pride for arrogance. We want our doctor to be proud of his work if we need an emergency operation. Who wants a doctor with only a 50% success rate? We want our stockbroker to be proud of his record in picking good stocks, who wants to hire a failing broker? We want our car mechanic to be proud of his work, because we do not want mistakes on a car we are driving 70 miles an hour!

There is no place for arrogant Christians who are loud and brutish in actions, trying to hide the inferiority they feel. When we truly discover our value to our Creator, and our value as a unique human redeemed in Christ, then arrogance is replaced with healthy pride.

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