Don’t Believe a Lie!

08 Dec Don’t Believe a Lie!

Many of us have been taught that sickness is essentially the errand boy of God, delivering a particular message for your life that will bring you to a new opportunity or a higher walk with God. I want us to look at this, because this to me is one of the most insidious lies that we can find.

If God is the One sending sickness to make you captive, and then He takes it away and turns you from your captivity, I would submit to you that God is a little bit confused.

If Jesus is the One who sees our sicknesses and releases us, the children of God, the children of Abraham, the daughter of Abraham, from the spirit of infirmity as He did in Luke 13:12, then is Jesus in direct opposition to God, the One who supposedly offered and desired and sent the messenger of sickness and disease?

Matthew 7:11 says, “If you then being evil know how to give goods unto your children, how much more shall your father which is in heaven give good gifts to them that ask Him?” If we believe that God is sending sickness and disease as a tool in His hand to teach us something, if we believe that it is the will of our Father’s heart to bruise us, to beat us, to harm us through sickness and disease, then we have a conflict of understanding. Because in fact, we see from scripture that it is God’s desire to answer our prayers for healing and every other area of our lives!

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