Irresistible Prayer

30 Nov Irresistible Prayer

With one of the national evangelistic conferences about to begin in Moscow, we had done all the natural preparation possible. Invitations were sent out and food was evaluated for the guests. The cost of travel, housing and books was all budgeted. It was the morning of departure and still no income had come in to provide for this major event. We checked our hearts and called the money to come with conviction of the scripture and rightness of the cause. We then headed to the airport. As we walked to the car I received an amazing phone call from a partner that $10,000 was on the way. What a victory and a relief! The Lord had dealt with him weeks ago, but He had just remembered and wanted us to know he was sending it immediately.

There is a prayer that is spoken with the voice of heaven, and it is well to find that voice!


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