The Great Exchange

28 Nov The Great Exchange

“And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will accept. When you think of what he has done for you, is this too much to ask?” Romans 12:1

No one would want to set sail on a ship without a rudder, or ride a horse without a bridle. We know that we could never reach a destination that way, or far worse, we would be at the mercy of the winds, storms, or the animal to guide us.

Is it strange that God, Who, in His wonder, has decided to live in our spirit confirming His presence with an inner witness, as well as an outer written witness? Now that He lives in us, how will we go to the place His Spirit is prompting us to go? He is in our spirit but He does not have control of our body. The dignity He has given us is the ability to know Him, His will, His voice, His peace, and His power. Our body is the laboratory in which all these things are made evident in the earth. Without a body He can’t do His plan, and we, without His Spirit cannot fulfill our destiny. So it is a cooperative effort that brings self-esteem, value, and good feelings to our life to walk in the spirit and not just be led by the impulses of the flesh.

Your body and your mind are yours and you have the opportunity to use them in good or bad ways. Our privilege is to bring our body and our thoughts under self-control, so they can be steered to a safe port. We want a good finish and not a ship wreck! We do not want people, or ourselves, to say that we were running well, or we had a good marriage, or we used to be a success.

No, we all want to continue and grow in the good that we started with. The Word tells us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to make this possible. Keep your hand on the rudder so the ship will stay on course. Exchange your natural reasoning for God’s thoughts, and exchange your fleshly impulses for some spiritual sensitivity so there is no guilt, no remorse and no fear in your life. You are on the high seas and in harmony with the Lord in you!

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