Healed and Forgiven

23 Nov Healed and Forgiven

We were having a Tent Festival in Bishkek, where we met a wonderful Christian woman who held a high position in the Kyrgeze government.  However, her husband abused her, very often beating her and sometimes locking her out of the house when she came back from church. But this woman continued going to church and praying for her husband. Despite what he was doing she believed that he would change.

So, we came to Bishkek and preached the Gospel in a big tent. One night, her husband came to our service. He sat in the front row and listened to the sermon. Later, his wife told us that he was very sick and that he wore a special band to support his kidneys.

He was very skeptical when he first came to the tent, but suddenly God healed him, right there, during the tent service! That man’s face changed instantly! He stood up from his seat, walked up to the platform and accepted Jesus in his heart. God touched him!

Maybe you are like that woman from Bishkek and you are praying for your spouse’s salvation day and night.  They are trying to push you away, but you continue to pray. I would like to encourage you, Don’t give up! Keep praying! Keep going to church!  Say, “Yes, Lord! Yes, God! This is for me! You are able to do a miracle in my life. And I receive this miracle for me and my family from you, by faith.”

God cares about people! The next day, the husband of that woman came to us and said, “I was a terrible person. I could not even imagine that God would ever forgive me! But now I know that I am forgiven. Praise God!”

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