Do you feel like you are being swept up in the abundance of change? Do you question the political actions happening all around you? Are you concerned about the moral, political and social change agents in operation?

Having lived in Russia almost 10 years, prayer for the nation was a vital part of our regular team ministry. We would spend hours praying for the decisions the leaders were making. Often we would find ourselves praying out the headlines just before they would hit the papers that day. We experienced civil war, bombs in Moscow not far from our home, food lines and three financial collapses.

When home in the USA, I now find myself in a similar situation I experienced all those years ago in Russia. CHANGE – CHANGE – CHANGE – We face a government reeling and reacting to the political and economic difficulties pressing on every tier of society. While we may be challenged to judge the situations that are going on around us we must remember two things:

  1. Like the imprisoned Apostle Paul, we can find daily encounters with God that will strengthen our hearts and provide the confidence we need. Despite the sinking ship going down around Paul, no harm came to him and he literally became a hero at his moment of greatest tragedy. Today, you may find yourself detoured to a small island like Paul, but in the long run there is no better course to sail than the one where God is the master of the ship. (Acts 27:2).
  2. It is vitally important that we choose not to react in anger toward or participate in the voices abounding with judgment against our new President. Let’s be a positive voice before the throne of God and a positive voice among our friends, challenging them to commit to a routine of daily prayer for our President. Remember, this President may or may not be your candidate, but our criticisms, anger, and heated verbal debates can produce a strife that will evoke additional confusion in the Whitehouse! Let’s choose the high-way, and PRAY – PRAY – PRAY for Godly change!

Prov 21:1 The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord ; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases. NIV

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