Age of Simplicity!

18 Nov Age of Simplicity!

Truth is meant to be clear, simple and easy to comprehend. I have been reading Romans 10:9. This verse lays out the very foundation of what we believe. The amazing thing to me is that this scripture, which is spoken everyday around the world, still has such great application for the hour that we live in.

And that message is the very message about faith that we preach: 9 If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:8b,9 NLT

This word “confess” simply means to say the same thing. In reference to this scripture, the ‘same thing’ is confessing Jesus as Lord. We can spiritualize this and say we must make Him both Savior and Lord, or we can look at the language in which this was originally written. ‘Jesus is Lord’ means: Jesus is YAHWEH – or JEHOVAH SAVES! The Jews understood that Yahweh meant the Lord our Righteousness, our Peace, our Guide, our Physician, our Provider, our Friend, and our Victor. It was not just a name, but His character! If this was not enough, we can look to the last word in Rom 10:9, ”SAVED,” and we discover that in its original form it means deliver, protect, heal, save, make whole.

Is this not the parenthesis of our “faith”? His very nature is salvation and His very response to our call is salvation! Who but God alone can make such a promise?

Let’s simplify life and embrace these most fundamental of values! – I find everything I need in this passage!

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