You Don’t Have to Wait!

07 Nov You Don’t Have to Wait!

I have traveled to many countries of the world and have preached in many places. I have seen many, many miracles and many people being healed. Some individuals were healed because someone else laid hands on them and prayed, others were healed because there was a special presence of the Holy Spirit, but many were healed just because they heard the word of God and believed.

You don’t have to wait for someone to pray for you! You don’t have to wait until someone proclaims over you, “You are healed!” Don’t wait, because Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has already taken all your sins together with all your sicknesses, and now Jesus is with you. Only believe what the Word of God says, “By His wounds you healed” (I Peter 2:24). Only believe in His Word and receive your healing! Jesus saves! Jesus heals!

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