Think About What You’re Thinking About!

04 Nov Think About What You’re Thinking About!

The medical field has changed in the last 30 years. It now considers that many illnesses have their cause in psychosomatic origins. That means that their sources are in the thought processes of man. Many of today’s illnesses are rooted in the negative, worrisome, fearful thought processes in a person.

Negative thoughts release hundreds of harmful chemicals into people’s bodies that touch the organs. One becomes sick of soul before growing sick in body. I would take it a step further and say that these negative thoughts are doors for demonic activity and strongholds, as we see in scripture how devils look for gateways into humans. Paul says that gateways are arguments and ideas (2 Cor. 10:4-5).

On the positive side, focusing one’s thoughts on the Word of God promotes health. God’s Word offers the encouraging truth of His plan for you. His Word brings joy, peace, comfort and life!

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