What’s in Your Toolbox?

15 Oct What’s in Your Toolbox?

Recently we completed a simple landscape project. The tools required ranged from saw blades to push brooms. And, the primary resource required was good ol’ physical labor. We were so happy as we saw this project come to completion. It had been sitting there for so many months just needing a little attention.

Our lives are like this project. God has given us simple tools to help us construct a beautiful garden of peace and tranquility in the midst of life’s storms. Yet, I would have to ask the question: Have we opened the toolbox to discover what is available to each one of us?

You may feel as though you have taken a major detour. Perhaps you’ve looked around and said, “How did I arrive at this destination? Where’s my garden?”

I encourage you to open up your toolbox and discover divine destiny that will straighten your course, order your garden and expand your horizon. Little adjustments make all the difference in the world.

If your problem in life is exacerbated by smoking, then just stop! If your world is being torn by an extramarital affair, then quit making excuses! Just stop it! The pasture is not greener on the other side.

In God’s toolbox we find forgiveness, a new start, love and a hope for a new tomorrow. Let’s dust off the toolbox and take some time to discover what belongs to us!

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