“He Healed Me!”

12 Oct “He Healed Me!”

During a tent festival in Ufa, an old lady approached me and, with tears in her eyes, she said, “I want to be healed! I want to be healed!” “But does God want to heal you?” I asked her. And she answered, “I do not know. He will if He is willing.”

I looked at her and told her very strictly, “No! Two thousand years ago, God decided what His will is! He has already suffered for you! He has already paid with His own blood for your healing!” Astonished, she looked at me and asked, “Really?” “Of course,” I said.  “OK,” she replied. I told her to repeat a prayer after me. As we were still praying, she began to jump and shout, “The pain is gone! The pain is gone! He healed me! Jesus healed me!”

You are not different from this woman! Jesus has already healed you! Jesus has already shed His holy blood for all your sins, sicknesses and diseases. He is with you right now. He loves you. He is waiting for you! Jesus heals! Jesus saves! Jesus heals you! Jesus saves you! Are you ready to come to Him in prayer?

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