Change Your Thoughts—Change Your Circumstances

22 Aug Change Your Thoughts—Change Your Circumstances

Your body and your soul were created for perfect harmony with God. His intention is to reunite us in perfect harmony where our hearts beat as one with His heart and where our bodies resonant with healing.

I remember one young lady who attended our meetings in Gabon. Due to the pressure of school exams she had experienced a psychotic episode that prevented her from continuing her studies. She longed to return to school. As she tried to speak with me, her wild eyes danced around, unable to focus for more than a brief moment. Her eyes beckoned for peace and tranquility. She needed soul harmony. She was an attractive young woman whose future had been stolen.

This young lady attended twenty-one consecutive meetings and overcame her psychosis by changing her thinking! Each meeting drew her closer to God, and she discovered God’s goodness through His healing power. In just a couple of weeks, she found her way back to perfect harmony and enrolled in school again!

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