What They Saw; What They Didn’t See

17 Aug What They Saw; What They Didn’t See

The disciples did not really understand what was happening as Jesus hung on the cross. They saw a man, but God saw all humanity.

The disciples saw hanging on a cross a man who had been judged guilty of a crime. They did not see the crimes of humanity put on that Man.

The disciples saw blood flowing from the head, side, and back of a man. They did not see the curse of sickness legally removed from humanity and put on that Man.

They saw a man lifted off the ground on a wooden beam. They did not see themselves lifted from the control of this world.

They saw the flesh of one man crucified. They did not see the flesh of all men crucified on that day.

The disciples saw a sign on the cross that read, “King of the Jews.” But God had also nailed all the Mosaic Law to that cross and declared that law fulfilled (Col. 2:14). Sin is no longer our master.

The disciples heard Jesus cry out, “It is finished!” They did not hear the High Court of heaven declare humanity free from the lordship of Satan, because Jesus had met the conditions of the law!

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