Miracles In America?

11 Aug Miracles In America?

Date: Sept 23, 2008

Category: General News

Headline: Miracles In America?

Sub Headline:


McNulty’s respond to initiative from the Lord.


The great challenge of the American church is to keep Jesus valid in the 21st century. With psychology, philosophy, medical sciences, breakthrough prescriptions and pills all clamoring for rights to final authority as well as a host of entertainment absorbing peoples’ free time for reflection it is no wonder that the miracle ministry of Jesus Christ has been out of focus for some time.

We have picked up the signal and begun a new campaign across America to produce the souls, signs and success that the body of Christ has been groaning to experience. With over 30 years of field experience we bring the victories experienced in 50 nations to the churches and cities of this great land for a refreshing new look at the healing Jesus.

We believe this is an idea birthed in the heart of God to ignite faith among those who have settled back into a spectator life. An idea to expose the next generation of Americans to the possibilities of God’s supernatural presence and power for their life. An idea to energize this wonderful nation to the potential of fulfilling the great commission in this generation. An idea to express a reasonable witness to a skeptical world. An idea to equip a hungry population of believers with tools that make them credible in the marketplace.

God has big ideas for the world .. It’s time to act on them!

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