Fires Begin to Light in Italy

11 Aug Fires Begin to Light in Italy

Date: Sept 18, 2008

Category: General News

Sub Headline: as Miracles Flow in America

ITALY – We have just returned from Palermo, Sicily, where we witnessed a move of God’s love in action when hundreds re-committed themselves to a fresh walk with Christ and over 100 new people responded to the message of the Gospel for salvation. Evidence of miracles filled the room and the atmosphere of faith filled the air.

There is a great CAUSE before us.

In speaking with the leadership of Milan, Rome, Venice, and Palermo there was a common estimate that only 1% of Italians profess to be born again. The challenge is go beyond religion to Redemption. Beyond ritual to a Living Relationship not experienced in the vast majority of these wonderful people who have given the world so much.

There is a great CURE given us.

Jesus says that if we embrace Him as Lord then we will experience the same resurrection lifestyle that He experiences. Italy will go beyond spectators to participators in the arena of life where their voice needs to be heard.

There is a CONDITION expected of us.

We are excited at the opportunity to stand before the citizens of Sicily on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea and share the word, which has transformed us. It is a time to stimulate faith in the hearts of people to see and experience the same Jesus Who was experienced there 2000 years ago on the same stones where this city was founded. We will pray for those who attend and God will do His work of miracles to those who respond in faith to His promises.

These same miracles are happening in America and you can experience them.


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