The 12th Chair

01 Feb The 12th Chair

February 2016

Two Russian grandmothers lived on their country’s border with Finland. For sixty years they were never able to cross that border. When permission was finally given for Russians to walk freely into Finland, these two grandmothers slowly proceeded along their crumbling sidewalks, where wild grass had always grown between the cracks, into a foreign country.

They traveled 300 feet before stepping over the border into this unknown nation. Quietly they journeyed down sturdy streets free of trash, weeds, and cracks—all the while peering up at brick buildings unstained by coal smoke.

Tears formed in their eyes as they realized they had settled for a lie their whole lives. What their foreign neighbors had was so much better than they had imagined! They had lived as paupers but were told that they were queens as they survived on bread and sausage.

The story of these grandmothers gives us a picture of most of humanity. Most people are living in spiritual poverty, but all are invited to cross the border into the fearless life of one who takes his or her place in The 12th Chair!

Are we living as spiritual paupers when we should be reigning as kings and queens of the most High and Holy God? Do we feed on the crumbs in life instead of feasting at the Father’s table as legal co-heirs of His Kingdom? What are we missing by not taking our rightful place in The 12th Chair—a place purchased and paid for by the precious blood of the world’s Savior, Jesus Christ?

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