Do You See Need or Seed?

01 Mar Do You See Need or Seed?

Most books in the airport book store are full of natural wisdom for businessmen on the move, but I wonder if they would be best sellers in the library of Jesus in His home town of Nazareth?  He seemed to have read a different book for His success.

He spoke of a source that most businessmen do not consider when He said in Matthew 6:33:  “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Jesus was talking about the things that the Gentiles seek after. The things that people want, desire, eat, wear, live in, etc.

He was saying that there is priority in life to receive from heaven the things you strive for on earth. The currency of heaven is faith. How you use the faith you have will either unlock heaven’s blessing, or limit you to just what your hand can produce. If you want to see more out of life, then it is wise to learn how your faith works. We know it is our faith that pleases God and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently use it. (Heb11:6)

If we do not learn to see through the eyes of our faith, we will only see our need. When Jesus asked His disciples to feed the thousands of hungry people, their first response was to look at their need and say it was impossible. Their second response was to look at their few fish and loaves…and still say it was impossible. Jesus taught them that with God nothing is impossible! He saw more than enough for the crowd and broke the bread and fish for the miracle.

When the disciples were out fishing all night and caught nothing, Jesus gave them instruction to cast the net on the other side of the boat. Their first response was the natural wisdom that says it will not work. After all, they had fished all night and caught nothing. Then they obeyed, and the net could not contain all the fish that swam into it!  Nature was responding to the words of Jesus.

Learn to respond to life with faith! Faith does not look at the need, but rather at the seed of God’s Word as the supply for every situation. Faith is what pleases God and brings heaven to earth. We cannot speak enough on this subject, as it is the way God has chosen for the operation of His kingdom. In heaven we do not need faith, but on earth it is the key to meet any need!


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