Broken Rudders

01 Oct Broken Rudders

James 3:4
“Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires. Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things.”

There are very few people in a Christian society that would say that if they knew the will of God they would not do it. Does God speak to people? If He cares, then yes would be the answer. Have people heard His voice? Yes, I believe they hear His voice. Why then do we often hear people say they knew what to do but just did not do it? The problem is not in the speaking or in the hearing—the problem is in the doing.

If we believe that the unseen Creator has a destiny for each of us, then it is important to connect with Him and not waste our time. Once we connect it is important to hear the direction, desire, peace, word, counsel reading, or whatever other way you picked up His clear signal. The third part is the hard part; acting out that direction.

James the Apostle says we are like ships at sea. When we get instruction on the land we are destined to reach then we are to set sail for it. If the rudder on our ship is broken, then we are at the mercy of the wind and water. Most people live at the mercy of the immediate circumstance. They rarely reflect on where is it that they want to be 10 years from now, or what is their heart calling them to be. We must fix our rudder in order to reach what is in our heart. What is the rudder? James says the tongue is the rudder of your ship. Broken rudders talk of today’s problem and today’s bad news. Use your rudder (tongue) to guide you to your destination. Shipwrecks are not in God’s plan for your life, don’t cause them yourself!


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