Cliff Hangers

01 Sep Cliff Hangers

For many, God working through them is a dangerous adventure. The question arises, “Will God meet me at the point of my decision?” When I step out to help someone in need will I find God ready to move through me?

I remember my first public healing encounter. I was having lunch with a business associate and suddenly I heard a scream from the other side of the restaurant. Immediately, I blurted out – I have to pray! I found myself running across the restaurant. A crowd was gathered around this man who had just had a heart attack. I remember telling everyone I must pray. The paramedics had not yet arrived so I forced myself in among the crowd and stuck my hand on his chest. I remember praying OH LORD HEAL HIM. All of sudden, I heard these words as if they were audible, “REBUKE THE DEVIL!” What a foreign concept to this young Baptist girl – the DEVIL? Do WHAT?  So in my quivering voice I announced, “I rebuke you devil in the name of Jesus!” To my utter amazement the man coughed and sat up. HE WAS HEALED! I later learned that this man had had five bypasses. When they took him to the hospital they could find no trace of the surgeries – he had a new heart!

This one incident has made me a permanent cliff hanger for Jesus. Who or what is a cliffhanger? It is a film, game, etc. which is exciting and full of suspense. Why sit around and watch TV when you can participate in the game of life?

Remember, our message is not about ourselves; we’re proclaiming Jesus Christ, the Master. . This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves! (2 Cor 4:5 Message, 7 NLT emphasis mine)


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