Religion or Redemption?

01 May Religion or Redemption?

Mankind has a propensity to slip into religion after being ablaze with the realities of redemption that set people free. We need to see the signs and stay aware if there is slippage in our life.  I trust you will enjoy this little checkup!

5 Differences Between Redemption And Religion:

  1. RELIGION is a “got to” way of life; REDEMPTION is a “get to” way of life.
  1. RELIGION is a door you must pass through in order to get into God’s presence;          REDEMPTION is an open door; held open by Jesus and no man can close it.
  1. RELIGION is man’s attempt to satisfy a holy God; REDEMPTION is God’s attempt to make us holy by the sacrifice of a holy substitute.
  1. RELIGION is a shadow of the things to come without substance or power; REDEMPTION is     the reality of things to come in the substance of our flesh and words.
  1. RELIGION is a ritual, form, or tradition that acts like an empty shell containing no life or     revelation within itself; REDEMPTION is an inner reality of the kingdom of God in a temple of flesh that needs no form, ritual, or tradition, because the King Himself resides within.


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