“Guard my life, for I am faithful to you. Save your servant who trusts in you.” Psalm 86:2 (NIV)

High-octane gasoline is equated with high performance. The Christian finds their high octane fuel in the word and in prayer. In 1837, George Muller, known for his care for thousands of orphans, found himself in an interesting quandary. The growth of the ministry required more retirement to prayer for spiritual oversight and more provision for the approximate 400 members. George Muller learned an important lesson about hard work which we can apply to every aspect of life. He discovered that 1 hour of prayer for every 4 hours of work would produce much more than 5 hours of work. He held to this rule throughout his life. George Muller discovered that when he had no way of gaining provision from natural sources he could go to the Lord who would grant it!

Are you facing difficulties in life today? Remember to go the high-octane way! Yes, it may be more expensive but in the long run – it’s much cheaper!

“[Yes] I will grant [I Myself will do for you] whatever you shall ask in My Name [as presenting all that I AM]”  John 14:14 AMP


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