Reaching ONE BILLION SOULS with the love of God through:

Whether through technology, or direct ministry, God has afforded a vast array of tools and opportunities for touching the farthest reaches of the globe with the life-transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ, so that we may train more upcoming evangelists to preach and act on his word in the farthest corners of the earth.

Have you ever asked the question, “Who am I? What is my purpose in life?” Are you lacking opportunity, self-esteem and identity? 

Discover with Dr. Leslie McNulty the wonderful banquet of knowledge about God’s perspective of true equality, and the glorious dignity He offers each and every individual. Throughout the centuries, great thought leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa and others have opened windows of opportunity for the marginalized. Leslie’s thought provoking materials reveal a unique perspective from the great Teacher, Jesus, Whose objective was not just for the benefit of men, but to bring women an understanding of personal dignity, destiny, respect and purpose. We believe that regardless of your gender, within the pages of this website, you will find pathways to new opportunity and new self-esteem.

The iMOVE program will empower you to share your faith, release your God given destiny and develop the character required to be a solution to society’s problems in your generation. Great OPPORTUNITIES often find their start in simple surroundings where you come aside for intensive training, prayer, and fellowship in the things of God. A great new Vision can unfold and YOU can be EMPOWERED TO BE THE BEST YOU – IN ORDER TO HELP THE MOST PEOPLE POSSIBLE!


Come expecting … a great new future will be birthed in YOU!


As never before, Europe and Eurasia desperately need the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There are few places around the world where your contribution can accomplish more in a needier area. Partner with us today as together we reach toward 1 billion souls among the spiritually starved and socially chaotic areas of Europe and Eurasia.

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